Venezuela gold: Maduro government wins in UK appeals court - the power of the gun always wins...
(demasiado antiguo para responder)
2020-10-07 18:11:45 UTC
Venezuela gold: Maduro government wins in UK appeals court - the power of
the gun always wins...
The islanders of Diego Garcia had also won their case in the Court of
Appeals in London in their 4 decades fight to return to their beloved
island. But the British government disregarded their own court. So much
for western rule of law. What bullshit. You can bet that the British
government will not return the gold to Venezuela. Britain is a US slave
state, and cannot antagonize its master.
The Chinkos want the U.S. to pull out so they can
move in and set up their own military bases, as they
have done with debt-trapped turd-world shitholes...
2020-11-04 19:57:39 UTC
Post by Byker
The Chinkos want the U.S. to pull out
Pull out from where? The US?
I'm confused.
Post by Byker
so they can move in and set up their own military bases
So how many military bases does China have in Latin America?
And how many does the US have?
Post by Byker
as the US have done with debt-trapped turd-world shitholes...
They're only "debt-trapped turd worlds" because of the US.
Do you see a pattern?
Shit for brains!
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012
2020-11-04 20:13:45 UTC
Post by Shadow
They're only "debt-trapped turd worlds" because of the US.

Busta Capp
2020-11-05 17:07:55 UTC
Uh, 7 Oct 2020 isn't until Saturday...
Keema's Nan
2020-11-05 18:32:56 UTC
Post by Busta Capp
Uh, 7 Oct 2020 isn't until Saturday...
You need to cut it with more Golden Virginia.

In the real world 7 Oct 2020 was a Wednesday.
