Post by BykerThis coup will fail. Guaido should be made to pay for it.
If he is still left alone after the coup failed, then Maduro deserves to fall.
I agree. Chavez made the same mistake, forgiving treasonous
trash and not giving them the death penalty like they do in Amerika.
If somebody stormed the White House and declared himself
president "because he voted himself in" he'd be shot dead on the spot.
Post by Byker<something about Russia or China helping the people of Venezuela>
You mean AIDS, don't you?
No, he meant "aid", as in "help". I don't believe English is
his first language. I'm sure it's not yours. I'm guessing your's is
Post by BykerAccording to the UN, Russia has one of the fastest growing HIV/AIDS
Yes, I know AIDS can be transmitted by the use of narcotics,
but that's no reason to include a narcotic felon's group in the reply.
You forgot this chart:
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China, Russia and even India have a much smaller prevalence
than the US.
Try you take your head out of your arse. I know you enjoy it,
but ..... use a penis or something. And warn the owner he might catch
AIDS from you.
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