On Tue, 13 Jul 2021 12:42:44 -0700 (PDT), Jedi Master
Post by Jedi MasterThousands of Cubans had enough of slavery to the state take to the streets to confront the Cuban Archipelago.
The Guardian apologized:
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//This article was amended on 12 July 2021. The original
agency caption on the image of people on the Máximo Gómez monument
incorrectly described them as anti-government protesters. They were
actually supporters of the government. //
The pictures released by the CIA and What!Crapped show Cuban
manifestations FOR the government, not against it. Those flags are PRO
the revolution.
The pictures of "famine" were taken in right wing Sao Paulo's
(Brazil) slums, and the thousands in the other photos were
Argentineans celebrating a football game. If you look hard, you can
see Argentina's flag.
They also threw in some crowd scenes from Egypt and Spain.
No fool like a gullible fool.
Re Cuba's State Health "failure" the "manifestations" are
supposed to be all about:
Deaths so far by COVID per million inhabitants:
Cuba 142
US 1872
Belgium 2165
Brazil 2503
Just look it up.
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