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Knowledge will set you free
El conocimiento te hará libre
"PL" <***@pandora.be> wrote in message news:oklalh$1c0b$***@gioia.aioe.org...
| On 7/17/2017 6:33 PM, jat wrote: part of the story he wants you to read
| The full text:
| Venezuela opposition plots 'zero hour' after big anti-Maduro vote
| - Opposition leaders are promising "Zero Hour" in Venezuela to demand a
| general election and stop the leftist Maduro's plan to create a
| controversial new legislative super-body
| - Maduro, whose term is due to end in early 2019, dismissed Sunday's
| opposition event as an internal exercise by the opposition with no
| bearing on his government.
| Monday, 17 Jul 2017 | 1:57 AM ETReuters
| Energized by a massive vote against President Nicolas Maduro in an
| unofficial plebiscite, Venezuela's opposition mulled on Monday how to
| escalate protests and block a new congress it fears may enshrine
| Socialist Party hegemony.
| After months of street rallies that have led to nearly 100 deaths, the
| Democratic Unity coalition brought millions onto the streets on Sunday
| for an informal referendum intended to de-legitimize a leader they call
| a dictator.
| Now, opposition leaders are promising "Zero Hour" in Venezuela to demand
| a general election and stop the leftist Maduro's plan to create a
| controversial new legislative super-body called a Constituent Assembly
| in a July 30 vote.
| Opposition tactics could include lengthy road blockades and sit-ins, a
| national strike, or possibly even a march on the Miraflores presidential
| palace, similar to events before a short-lived coup against Maduro's
| successor Hugo Chavez in 2002.
| "Today, Venezuela stood up with dignity to say freedom does not go
| backwards, democracy is not negotiated," Julio Borges, who leads the
| opposition-controlled legislature, said shortly after midnight when the
| referendum results were announced.
| "We don't want a fraudulent Constituent Assembly imposed on us. We don't
| want to be Cuba. We don't want to be a country without freedom," he
| added, promising further announcements on opposition strategy during
| Maduro, whose term is due to end in early 2019, dismissed Sunday's
| opposition event as an internal exercise by the opposition with no
| bearing on his government.
| "Don't go crazy, calm down," he said on Sunday in a message to the
| opposition, vowing his Constituent Assembly would bring peace to the
| volatile nation of 30 million people.
| Maduro, 54, a former bus driver and long-serving foreign minister for
| Chavez, narrowly won election in 2013 but has seen his ratings plunge,
| to just over 20 percent, during a brutal economic crisis in the South
| American OPEC member.
| Opposition "show of force"
| Though polls show the opposition has majority support and his foes
| repeatedly call for a free and fair election as their No. 1 demand,
| Maduro insists they are U.S. pawns intent on sabotaging the economy and
| bringing him down through violence.
| Most Venezuelans oppose the Constituent Assembly, which will have power
| to rewrite the constitution and annul the current opposition-led
| legislature, but Maduro is pressing on anyway for the vote in two weeks'
| time. In three questions at Sunday's event, opposition supporters voted
| overwhelmingly - by 98 percent - to reject the proposed new assembly,
| urge the military to defend the existing constitution, and support
| elections before Maduro's term ends, according to academics monitoring
| the vote for the opposition.
| Sunday's nearly 7.2 million participation compared with 7.7 million
| opposition votes in the 2015 legislative elections that it won by a
| landslide and 7.3 million votes for the opposition in a 2013
| presidential poll narrowly won by Maduro.
| "The result is a remarkable show of force for Venezuela's opposition,"
| New York-based Torino Capital said in a research note, noting the vote
| was only called two weeks previously and participation meant openly
| defying the government.
| "We can assume that the number of people voting was less than that which
| would turn out to vote in a regular election..
| The results seem to confirm that the opposition would easily defeat the
| government in any election."
| The political turmoil has taken a heavy toll on Venezuela: 95 deaths in
| unrest since April, thousands of injuries, hundreds of arrests, and
| further damage to an economy already in its fourth year of decline."